Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Speech contest

一年一度的班內演講比賽將於十月二十五日舉行. 比賽題目、年齡分組及評分標準等細則已經於上週公佈. 上台演講可以練習大眾演說的技巧及累積經驗. 日後將受益無窮. 希望家長們能鼓勵孩子參加, 並開始準備.

The annual speech contest will start with intra-class competition on 10/25, followed by the intramural contest on 11/15. Details had been posted and distributed on 10/04 to all teachers and students. All parents please do all the best effort to encourage your children to join this speech contest. CACA interschool speech contest is scheduled on 12/13

Class 演講比賽題目 Time Age
CSL1 說故事,
獻寶並解說 30sec~2min 1/1/96 & younger
CSL2 說故事,
獻寶並解說 1.5min~3min 12/31/95 & older
A 我的家,
我最喜歡的動物 30sec~1.5min 1/1/02 & younger
B 我的好朋友,
我最高興的事 1.5min~2.5min 1/1/00 ~ 12/31/01
C 我最喜歡的運動,
我最喜歡吃的東西 1.5min~2.5min 1/1/98 ~ 12/31/99
D 如果我有超能力,
暑假夏令營的有趣經驗 1.5min~2.5min 1/1/96 ~ 12/31/97
E 網路與我,
我當社區義工的經驗 2min~3.5min 12/31/95 and older

評分標準 範圍
技巧 音量, 音質, 語調, 速度, 發音, 抑揚頓挫
儀態 上下台風, 表情, 眼神, 身體語言, 與台下觀眾的溝通
內容 切題, 組織, 結構
時間控制 規定時間內:10分; 超過規定時間上限:6分; 低於規定時間下限:8分


CE Bilingual Books LLC said...

Dear 陳永承,

How can I contact you? I would like to ask if you would be interested to review my book on your blog. The book is a Chinese - English bilingual book for children. I would be happy to send a copy out to you.

Thank you!

Irene Tsai
Chinese-English bilingual book
Independent Publisher
CE Bilingual Books LLC

陳永承 said...

Hi, Irene,
I am more than willing to review your book and put on our bolg and website for the recommendation. I can also ask our deans and teachers for the comments and reviews. Please email me at for detailed communication method.