Friday, August 22, 2014

Email Subscription

There are some people subscribed this blog and never confirm their email. You will never receive anything until the email box is confirm.
This post is for testing the email subscription from the left hand-side.

You are welcome to visit Union Chinese Blogger as a web page. You also may use the email subscription feature on the left side if you prefer to read all posts via email on your cell phone, tablet, etc as well. After entering your email in the subscription box, it will send a confirmation email to your email box.  You MUST confirm the subscription email in order to activate this email subscription feature.

歡迎使用聯合中文學校的網路部落格消息站, 如果您希望所有的消息都自動送到您email box中, 請在左邊訂閱處, 輸入您的email, 您會收到一封確定信箱的email, 當您確認信箱後, 您將會收到新貼出的部落格文章。

貼完後, 應該是第二天的5-7AM會將原文送出Email messages. 是第一次貼的非修改過的。


ichi said...

I subscript to the blog. could you post another test message to the site for test receive via email.


ChineseDigger said...

Anyone on the contribution list can post.