Tuesday, May 7, 2013
201305010 - issue 27
***Announcements 宣佈與公告 ***
1. The last day of UCS pre-registration for school year 2013-2014 is 5/11. It is also our ‘Open House’ day for school work exhibitions. If you miss the pre-registration, you will have to pay a registration fee of $30 – that is waived during pre-registration. It is very important for all the current parents to pre-register both the language and culture classes so that the school can make appropriate plans on hiring teachers and reserving classrooms for next year. Please also invite your friends to our Open House and join UCS to learn Chinese! Please see attached document for the language and culture classes to be offered next year. We need a minimum of 5 students to open a class. So please make sure you register for the classes you want to avoid cancellation (when less than 3 pre-registered).
本校預註冊的最後一天為本週六(5/11),亦為本校開放日時間,請踴躍預註冊(可節省註冊費) 。錯過預註冊的時間,學校將收取三十元的註冊費。家長們為其子女預註冊語文課及文化課,是很重要的。因為學校可以依據預註冊的人數,來為明年做適當的規劃,如聘用教師人數,及教室需求數目等等。請邀請你們的朋友來參觀我們的學校,加入聯合學中文!明年開設的語文課及文化課,請參閱附錄文件。文化課有五位學生才開班的限制,因此請務必在預註冊時,替貴子女預註他們想要上的文化課,以免因人數過少而取消(當預註冊人數少於三人時)。
2. Our Annual End of Semester BBQ will be held at Tamaques Park in Westfield on 5/18/2013. All UCS families are invited to participate for free. Please feel free to invite any families and friends outside UCS. They can join the event at a fee of $5 per adult and $2 per child. This is a fun event that requires each family to contribute food and service. The BBQ Committee will set up a sign up sheet at the cafeteria. Every family will contribute food or volunteer service. The school will reimburse all cost of the ingredients upon submission of receipts. Any questions please contact Samantha Wu at s.wu115@yahoo.com.
一年一度的烤肉活動,將於五月十八日下課後,在Tamaques Park舉行,希望各位聯合的家庭踴躍參加!所有聯合的家庭及成員都免費,並且可以邀請校外成員參加。校外成員費用為,大人每位五元,小孩每位二元。
大家可以到學校餐廳免費報名,和登記負責準備的食物或工作。請交上買材料費用的收據,以便學校可以退款。如有疑問,請以電郵聯絡Samantha Wu:s.wu115@yahoo.com.
3. The ANJCS/ CACA Fun Day and Sport Competition will be held on 5/19/2013 from 1.00-6.00 pm, with 6/2/2013 as the rain date at East Brunswick High School. This is a competitive and fun event participated by many Chinese Schools of the New Jersey state. We hope that many UCS members can support the school by participating in this event and wearing our new T-shirts. Please come to cafeteria this week to pick up your T-shirt. It will show our UCS spirit and unity to the other Chinese Schools!
今年ANJCS/CACA聯合舉辦的運動會及園遊會,將於五月十九日(週日)一時至六時,在東布朗士維克高中舉行.這是一個由新澤西州許多中文學校(大約十所左右),來參加的既競爭(運動會),又好玩(園遊會) 的活動.希望本校的師生及義工家長們,都可來參加此一活動.並穿上本校的新的T-恤,以表示對本校的支持.請於本週六到大餐廳,領取你訂的T-恤.穿上它代表著向他校展示本校的精神及團結.
4. The ticket for 5/19 Fun Day event is on sale now. Each ticket is sold at $0.50 a piece but when purchased $10.00 in advance you get 22 tickets (instead of 20 tickets). Please contact Johnny Wu or Lorraine Schug to buy the tickets. UCS has a total of 50 packs (each pack contains 22 tickets for $10.00) for sale. FCFS (first come first serve) basis until tickets are gone. Have sold 16 packs now.
五月十九園遊會餐券,本週開始發售,零售每張五毛錢。但事先買十元,可得二十二張(而不是二十張) ,請向吳江名或Lorraine Schug購買。本校被分配了五十組,(每組二十二張,十元)先到先買,賣完為止,目前已售出十六組。
5. We (UCS) are allowed to have up to 4 teams or individuals for each sports competition or fun games, except the tug of war (only 1 team is allowed). So for those of you who were told to be the ‘back-up’ people can attend the item(s) that you have selected for competition now. The event schedule is attached for your reference. For students who attend this sports competition or fun games but do not know what items you have been registered please contact Johnny Wu: bmw12571@yahoo.com. He will send you the registration form with all the information included, upon request.
本校被允許有四隊或四人,參加各單項比賽或是趣味競賽(除了拔河只能出一隊之外) 。所以那些被認定為備取者,現在都可以參賽了。附錄中有賽程時刻表供你參考。至於那些不確定參加何種項目的學生,請與吳江名聯絡,電郵號碼如上所示。在你的要求下,他將會電傳給你,我們所有人報名的詳細資料。
*** Activities & Events 活動與特殊事件 ***
6. Chinese American Music Ensemble (CAME) will have an ‘Open House’ event on 5/11/13 (Saturday) 4:30 to 6:00 P.M. at Willow Grove Presbyterian Church in Scotch Plains. Children’s chorus will do a demonstration and other activities including free refreshments and doggie bags (to send to the young participants) will be held. You and your family members are welcome to come and explore this event.
中美合唱團,將於五月十一日(週六)四點半至六點,在Scotch Plains的Willow Grove長老教會,舉辦開放日活動.兒童合唱團將做示範演出,並有其他活動,以及免費茶點供應.小孩並有紀念品可以帶回家,歡迎闔第光臨.
7. The calligraphy contest organized by the Association of Chinese Calligraphy in America is now open for registration. Deadline is May 20. Please see attached document in Newsletter No. 22 for more information.
8. The CACA Chinese Culture Summer Camp will be held from July 22-26, 2013 at Rutgers Community Christian Church, Somerset, NJ. Deadline for registration is May 20. Please see attached documents in Newsletter No. 22 for more information.
9. The Buddhist Tsu Chi Foundation is organizing a camp on June 28-30. Please see attached documents in Newsletter No. 25 for details.
10. Music from China Youth Orchestra is organizing a summer camp on July 27 – August 11. Please see attached documents in Newsletter No. 25 for details.
長風中樂團少年國樂班,將於七月二十七日至八月十一日,舉辦夏令營, 詳情請參閱學校通訊第二十五期附件.
11. ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) is currently seeking heritage speakers of Mandarin Chinese (those who first learned to speak Mandarin at home or in the community) to participate in a compensated research study. This project is designed to gather reliable data that does not exist at this time about the range and variety of spoken language profiles of heritage speakers of Mandarin. Please see attached document for more information.
12. Donghwa Cultural Foundation will host the forth "East Meet West International Essay Competition" this year. Please see attached documents for details.
東華文化基金會, 將在今年舉辦”東方遇到西方國際作文比賽”, 詳情請參閱附件.
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