Thursday, May 16, 2013

201305018 - issue 28

***Announcements 宣佈與公告 ***

1. The New BBQ location is Echo Lake Park at the Rolling Meadow picnic area.
We are in need of folding tables; if you have any, please bring to the park. This year we have many participants, please bring your own picnic blanket and/or chairs. Echo Lake Park is about 10 minutes away from school. You can plan on going there from school after the children finishes the class (There will be culture class this week). Volunteers will be there with our tables setups early in the morning, so you may be there from 12PM on to enjoy the food and fun afternoon. We would also like to inform you our school DO NOT insures this event; therefore, you MUST be careful with all the activities. Do not let children near the grill while our volunteers are cooking. There are also lakes near by, please communicate with your children NOT to play too near nor in the water. Be a good citizen to keep the park clean all the time.

週六烤肉的地點,是在回聲湖公園(Echo Lake Park)內的Rolling Meadow野餐區. 我們需要一些折疊桌子. 如果您有任何折疊桌子,請帶到公園.這一年裡,我們有很多的參與者,請帶自己的野餐毯或椅子。回聲湖公園離中文學校,大約十分鐘車程的距離.你可以計劃 在小孩上完課之後前往(文化課照常舉行).義工們將會一早去那裡佈置桌椅,好讓你們十二點之後去享受美食及娛樂.我們亦通知你,這次學校沒有替本活動辦理 保險.因此你們必須對所有的活動都要小心.別讓小朋友在義工們烤肉時,靠近烤肉架.附近的湖泊,請告訴貴子女不要太靠近玩耍,更不要到湖中玩水.請做一個 好公民,隨時保持公園的清潔.謝謝.

2. The ANJCS/ CACA Fun Day and Sport Competition will be held on 5/19/2013 from 1.00-6.00 pm, with 6/2/2013 as the rain date at East Brunswick High School. This is a competitive and fun event participated by many Chinese Schools of the New Jersey state. We hope that many UCS members can support the school by participating in this event and wearing our new T-shirts. Please come to cafeteria this week to pick up your T-shirt. It will show our UCS spirit and unity to the other Chinese Schools!

今年ANJCS/CACA聯合舉辦的運動會及園遊會,將於五月十九日(週日)一時至六時,在東布朗士維克高中舉行.這是一個由新澤西州許多中文學校(大約十所左右),來參加的既競爭(運動會),又好玩(園遊會) 的活動.希望本校的師生及義工家長們,都可來參加此一活動.並穿上本校的新的T-恤,以表示對本校的支持.請於本週六到大餐廳,領取你訂的T-恤.穿上它代表著向他校展示本校的精神及團結.

3. The ticket for 5/19 Fun Day event is on sale now. Each ticket is sold at $0.50 a piece but when purchased $10.00 in advance you get 22 tickets (instead of 20 tickets). Please contact Johnny Wu or Lorraine Schug to buy the tickets. UCS has a total of 50 packs (each pack contains 22 tickets for $10.00) for sale. FCFS (first come first serve) basis until tickets are gone. Have sold 16 packs now.

五月十九園遊會餐券,本週開始發售,零售每張五毛錢。但事先買十元,可得二十二張(而不是二十張) ,請向吳江名或Lorraine Schug購買。本校被分配了五十組,(每組二十二張,十元)先到先

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