Saturday, June 1, 2013

20130601 - issue 29

***Announcements 宣佈與公告 ***

1. The ANJCS/ CACA Fun Day and Sport Competition has been rescheduled to June 9th. The outdoor location is East Brunswick High School Field, 380 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick, NJ 08816. However, if it rains again that day, the event will be held at the indoor gym facility at Churchill Junior High School (中部中文學校) at the same time. The address is 18 Norton Rd, East Brunswick, NJ 08816. Parents will be informed by email on 6/8 evening if there is a change.

ANJCS/CACA 聯合主辦的園遊會及運動會,移到六月九日舉行,地點在東布朗士維克高中的室外田徑場.假如當天又下雨,則將地點改在邱吉爾初中的體育館舉行.地址是18 Norton Rd, East Brunswick, NJ 08816.家長們將會在六月八日晚上,被電郵通知,是否隔天有所變動.

2. For those students who already signed up for the Sports Day on 5/19 and can still make it on 6/9, please send an e-mail to Lorraine at to confirm that you will be participating. Those individuals who have not signed up before but would like to attend now, please send her an e-mail as well.

中美文化協會園遊會(及運動會), 已改在六月九日(星期日)舉行. 上次個人報名運動會而能夠參加的人, 請用電子郵件通知Lorraine, 告訴她你會出席, 她的電郵地址如上所示. 那些上次沒有報名, 但這次可以出席並想要參加的人, 亦可以用電郵通知她.

*** Activities & Events 活動與特殊事件 ***

3. CAME (Chinese American Music Ensemble) is going to hold its annual concert on Sunday, June 2 at 4.00 pm at Willow Grove Presbyterian Church, 1961 Raritan Road, Scotch Plains, NJ. All are invited to an afternoon of music and dance performances. Highlights of concert include English and Chinese songs by children and adult choruses, instrumental and vocal solos, and Chinese folk dances by guest artists. The concert is free, but donations are welcome. Refreshments will be served immediately following the concert. For more information please see the attached concert poster.

中美合唱團,將於本週日(六月二日)下午四點,在Scotch Plains的Willow Grove 長老教會, (地址是1961 Raritan Road, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076) 舉行年度音樂會.所有的人都被邀請來參加,整個下午的唱歌及舞蹈表演節目,內容包括成人和兒童合唱,樂器獨奏及獨唱,以及客席藝術家的中國民族舞蹈等.音樂會免費欣賞,但歡迎自由樂捐.會後立刻就有茶水飲料點心招待,歡迎闔第光臨.詳情請參閱附錄海報.

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