Tuesday, August 20, 2013

From Principal

Dear UCS Families,

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new families who are just joining Union Chines chool and also a big welcome back to our many returning families. We hope you have been enjoying your summer. We are looking forward to an exciting new year filled with many fun things to do, learn and experience.

If we have your email, then you will find the attached 2013-2014 calendar, please be sure to mark your calendar for each school days and important events. This calendar will also be available on our website, and it is available for download. There are many other fun and exciting events host by CACA (Chinese Culture American Association) or ANJCS (Association of New Jersey Chinese School), please be sure to check your emails for some upcoming events.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us - our door is always open.

Ichi Chen Hsu 陳逸琦
UCS 2013-2014 Principal



如果有您已經註冊並提供您的email, 您在email附件可找到2013-­‐2014 學校的行事曆.對每次上課的日子及重要的事件與活動,請事先在行事曆上做個記號,做為提醒.此一行事曆,在本校網站上亦可以找到,並可以直接下載.中美文化協會及美東中文學校聯誼會,亦將不定時的提供許多好玩的及令人興奮的有趣活動.請檢查您的電郵信箱,並注意那些即將到來的活動日期.



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