Monday, September 2, 2013

聯合中文學校通訊 UCS News Bulletin, Sep 7th, 2013, Issue 1

***Announcements ***

1. School is starting on September 7 at 9 am! Please arrive early to allow time to find your classroom.


2. Registration and add/ drop courses are available only during the first two weeks of classes, i.e. September 7 and 14.


3. Updates on Cultural Classes: Guitar class has been cancelled due to teacher's relocation to another state. Photography class, SAT math and Basketball class are under-enrolled. If the number of students in any of the three classes is still below 5 after Sep. 14 (the end of drop/add), that class will be cancelled. Chinese Folk Dance class has 8 students registered from pre-enrollment; registration for new student is open for this class (up to 16 students). All parents are encouraged to register their children for cultural classes in addition to the language classes. The cultural classes are part of our school program, where children will engage in fun extracurricular activities while socializing with other children of the school.

吉他班 老師因工作離開紐澤西州,如找不到新老師則將取消. 攝影, SAT 數學和籃球課,目前人數亦不足五人註冊。如至九月十四日加退選過後,各該班人數仍不足五人時,則該文化課亦將取消。民族舞蹈班只有八人註冊, 此班將開放學生註冊 (最多十六名學生). 請各位家長,多鼓勵貴子女參加文化課。它們除了是學校課程的一部份之外,參與課程的學生,亦可藉由好玩的課外活動,認識新朋友及增加小朋友的社交能力。何樂而不為呢?

*** Activities & Events***

1. ANJCS will have a Confucius Memorial Ceremony event on 9/28/13 (Saturday) at Watchung Hills Regional High School, NJ. They need students to do the traditional Confucius ceremony dancing (36 students are needed). If your child is interested in attending this event (for the dancing) please fill in the registration form and send it out by yourself. The practice times are on 9/7, 9/14, 9/21, and 9/22. For more information please see the enclosed flyer and registration form. ANJCS will offer certificates for community service hours for your children. Space is very limited (only 36) so plan to register soon if your child is interested in attending.

今年的祭孔典禮,將於九月二十八日, 在梅山中文學校舉行。他們需要三十六位學生跳六佾舞,共有四次練習時間(9/7, 9/14, 9/21, 9/22) 。有興趣參加者, 請參閱附錄海報, 並自由報名。

*** Advertisement 廣告時間 ***

1. Moon cake ordering – Well Luck company will come to school to accept orders of moon cakes. If ordered more than 10 boxes, the price will have a 10% discount, if more than 25 boxes ordered then the discount becomes 15% and if more than 50 boxes ordered then the discount is 20%.

自即日起至中秋節前之團購期間,凡訂購滿10盒可享有零售價9折優惠, 25 盒85折優惠, 滿50盒以上可享8折優惠。一次訂購50盒以上並有免費送貨到府(NY, NJ)的服務。因團購優惠數量有限,往年皆有許多朋友不及購買,故請及早訂購以免向隅。請在本校統一訂購以享受較大的折扣。

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